Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Glance Into My Mind

I would like to start out by personally thanking anyone and everyone reading our blog. I hope that you will enjoy our insight into the world of video games. Unique perspective is hard to come by nowadays in the spectrum of gaming, as many gamers prefer to just "go with the flow". What I mean is that most people would rather just stick with what the general populous accepts as a great game, rather than actually developing their own opinion. For example, the world famous Call of Duty series. While I can't knock the series entirely, the current formula is undoubtedly getting stale. But of course, since the general public accepts Call of Duty as "Gaming Perfection", development teams aren't working as hard to improve that formula. As a result, people are starting to forget just how diverse and pure the gaming industry can be. Instead of having an open mind and trying different games in a genre, such as first person shooters, gamers would rather just stick with the same old, same old. And this only further results in dev teams trying to emulate Call of Duty, which makes the entire genre very generic. So what's my point in all of this? Simply put, gamers are starting to forget what made video games fun in the first place. Originality. Games nowadays just don't seem to have a ton of it. Admittedly, some new games do possess great qualities. However, I believe that older games just seemed to rely on innovation, originality, and core gameplay, things that the current industry of gaming just don't seem to provide as much of. And I am here to show you just how great these older games were. They didn't need fancy graphics engines, or massive multiplayer matches. They stressed the importance of innovation and gameplay. And at the end of the day, that's what makes gaming fun, right?

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